DDoS attack

DDoS Attack Landscape and Smart Protection

October 7, 2019

  1. Evolution of the Internet and Accompanying Cyber Threats

The fast growth of the Internet has brought constant changes to our lives. More than a decade ago, the egress bandwidth of 100 Mbps was available only to a small number of users, but today links with Tbps-level bandwidths are nothing unusual. The Internet connects everyone and everything, rapidly changing people’s centuries-long habits by bringing everything online, including communication, transportation, payment, and shopping, as well as household appliances. While benefiting from the convenience of the Internet, we are pushing the Internet forward. (more…)

DDoS Attack Misinterpretations

July 30, 2019

River blockage used to be a great survival crisis in ancient times. Similarly in cyberspace, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks have become a devastating disaster. As we all know, DDoS attacks are  destructive attacks and after over 10 years of evolution, such attacks have become an effective attack tool favored by multiple organizations and individuals who use them for ransom, revenge and cyberwars. (more…)

2018 DDoS Attack Landscape-8

May 29, 2019

3.6  Industrial Distribution of Attack Targets

From an industry perspective, cloud service/Internet data center (IDC), gaming, and e-commerce are top 3 industries suffering the most DDoS attacks. (more…)

2018 DDoS Attack Landscape-6

May 15, 2019

3.4  Behavioral Analysis of Attack Sources

In the 2018 H1 Cybersecurity Insights8, we mentioned that the number of DDoS recidivists (repeat DDoS offenders) was too large to ignore. Of all internet attack types, 25% of attackers were recidivists responsible for 40% of all attack events. As for DDoS attacks, 7% of attackers were recidivists that launched 12% of attack events. (Here, “DDoS recidivists” refer to source IP addresses that have been marked by NSFOCUS Threat Intelligence center (NTI) as DDoS attack sources.) Clearly, in DDoS attacks, the proportion of recidivists decreased in 2018, indicating a lower level of resource reuse. This can be attributed to two factors: (more…)

2018 DDoS Attack Landscape-5

May 8, 2019

3.3 DDoS Attack Duration

3.3.1 Attack Duration Distribution

In 2018, the average duration of a DDoS attack was 42 minutes, down 17% from 2017. This indicates that DDoS attacks were upgraded in industrialization, weaponization, and efficiency and DDoS-as-aService gained momentum for fast growth. We noticed that the longest DDoS attack in 2018 lasted around 12 days, far shorter than attacks detected in previous years. (more…)

2018 DDoS Attack Landscape-3

April 17, 2019

Analysis of DDoS Attacks in 2018

3.1  DDoS Attack Count and Peak Size

3.1.1  Attack Count and Traffic

In 2018, we observed 148,000 DDoS attacks (down 28.4% from 2017), which generated a total of 643,100 TB of traffic, about the same level as in 2017. DDoS attacks keep expanding in size year by year as large and medium-scale attacks are on the rise, as shown in section 3.1 “Distribution of Peak Sizes.” (more…)

2018 DDoS Attack Landscape-2

April 10, 2019

Overview of DDoS Attacks in 2018  (more…)

2018 DDoS Attack Landscape-1

April 5, 2019

NSFOCUS Security Lab research has seen a dramatic decrease in DDoS attacks between 2017 and 2018.  We are in consensus with other TI vendors  as to most of the driving factors behind this large scale reduction, except one. This webinar 1 will show why NSFOCUS is breaking from the pack on one of the key factors leading to the significant decrease in DDoS attacks in 2018. (more…)

The financial impact of DDoS attacks: The devil is in the details

December 7, 2015

Track:  Business

Author: Dave Martin, Director of Product Marketing, NSFOCUS

financial impact of DDoS attacks

Even if you have not yet been the victim of a DDoS attack it is helpful to examine the financial impact of a potential attack on your organization for the purposes of doing risk assessment or for calculating the payback period of a DDoS protection solution. (more…)

Modern DDoS attacks: When Moore’s law meets Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

December 4, 2015

Track:  General Security

Author: Dave Martin, Director of Product Marketing, NSFOCUS

DDoS attacks

What would happen if you combined Moore’s law with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and applied them to DDoS attacks?  Unfortunately, modern DDoS attacks seem to embody this idea perfectly as both the frequency and complexity of these attacks have become truly staggering in just a short amount of time.



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