Year: 2022

Security Knowledge Graph | Build an APT Group Graph to Avoid the Information Island Effect

July 13, 2022

The security knowledge graph, a knowledge graph specific to the security domain, is the key to realizing cognitive intelligence in cyber security, and it also lays an indispensable technological foundation for dealing with advanced, continuous and complex threats and risks in cyberspace. NSFOCUS will publish a series of articles about the application of the security […]


July 12, 2022

Philippine Network Operators Group 2022 June 11-13, 2022 New World Hotel Makati, Philippines

NSFOCUS WAF Protection Actions

July 6, 2022

NSFOCUS WAF supports five actions for a specific protection policy. Take HTTP access control as an example. You can specify one of the following actions as required: Pass: Indicates that if an access request matches corresponding parameter settings, NSFOCUS WAF directly forwards it to the destination server without any more security inspections. Accept: Indicates that […]


July 6, 2022

In the reverse proxy mode, NSFOCUS WAF preserves the real source IP address in the X-forwarded-for header. In this mode, since the destination for clients is the WAF, the WAF will record the real client IP address in this request header and forward the header to the server, which helps keep the entire session. Test […]

Is NIPS Capable of Blocking SSH Connections?

July 6, 2022

The answer is YES! NSFOCUS NIPS can block SSH connections. You may have similar questions, for example, whether Nmap or sqlmap can be blocked by NIPS. The answer is YES, too! These questions can often be resolved by configuring application control profile. Follow these steps to enable SSH connection blocking: Step 1: Click Objects on […]

Enabling Detection to Traffic Listened on Non-Standard Ports

July 6, 2022

By default, NSFOCUS NIPS identifies the protocols and detects attacks on standard ports only. For example, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) operates on ports 20 and 21, Telnet protocol operates on port 23, and HTTP protocol uses port 80. However, the traffic using preceding protocols on non-standard ports will not be identified by NIPS by default, […]

Description of ADS Hardware Status Alerts

July 6, 2022

1.CPU threshold The default threshold value is 80%. The system CPU usage is updated every 10 seconds. 2.Memory threshold: The default threshold value is 90%. The system memory usage is updated every 10 seconds. 3.CPU temperature threshold: The default threshold value is 90 °C. The equipment CPU temperature is updated every 10 seconds. 4.Motherboard temperature […]

What Information will Master/Backup NTAs Share

July 6, 2022

After two NTAs are configured to operate as the master and backup NTAs for hot standby, the master NTA will synchronize the configuration to the backup one in real time. This will guarantee that the configuration of the backup NTA is consistent with that of the master NTA. The synchronized configuration information includes the following: […]

NSFOCUS was listed in 2022 Gartner® Market Guide for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response Solutions

July 6, 2022

Santa Clara, Calif. July 6, 2022 – We are pleased to announce that NSFOCUS has been listed as a Representative Vendor in 2022 Gartner® released Market Guide for Security Orchestration, Automation and Response Solutions report for our product ISOP. ISOP has flexible out-of-the-box capabilities, automated orchestration capabilities and rich intelligence operations and management capabilities to provide […]

Multiple High-Risk Vulnerability Alerts of GitLab

July 3, 2022

Overview On July 1, 2022, NSFOCUS CERT detected that GitLab officially released a security bulletin and fixed multiple security vulnerabilities in GitLab Community Edition (CE) and Enterprise Edition (EE). Please take measures to protect it as soon as possible. GitLab Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2022-2185): A remote code execution vulnerability exists in GitLab Community Edition […]


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