
Office Area——Strangers’ Entrance

November 2, 2018 | Adeline Zhang

Office safety should not be underestimated.

NSFOCUS Completes IDC Migration and Expansion

October 1, 2018 | Triet Nguyen

NSFOCUS Completes IDC Migration and Expansion by Triet Nguyen Earlier this year, we kicked off a massive undertaking to shift our NSFOCUS Cloud to a managed service provider with the intention of consolidating internal data center real estate within our five data centers so we could regain resources to focus on our products. By taking […]

Oracle WebLogic Server RCE Deserialization Vulnerability

April 18, 2018 | Adeline Zhang

On 17 April, the local time in California, Oracle released its Critical Patch Update(CPU) Advisory in which a critical WebLogic deserialization vulnerability (CVE-2018-2628) allowing remote code execution without authorization was disclosed. This vulnerability was first discovered by an NSFOCUS researcher, who reported it to Oracle immediately. More information about this vulnerability together with NSFOCUS’s technical […]

Swearing Trojan Exploit Overview

April 3, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

Author: Cody Mercer – Senior Threat Intelligence Researcher Executive Overview A new mobile banking Trojan titled ‘Swearing Trojan’ has been discovered by Tencent Security and Checkpoint researchers. The odd name of the malware is in part attributed to the various Chinese swear words sparsely distributed in the source code. The primary attributes associated with the […]

Apache Struts2 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (S2-045)

March 9, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

Overview Apache Struts2 is prone to a remote code execution vulnerability (CNNVD-201703-152) in the Jakarta Multipart parser plug-in. When uploading a file with this plug-in, an attacker could change the value of the Content-Type header field of an HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability, causing remote code execution. For details, visit the following link: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WW/S2-045?from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 […]

Shamoon 2: Back On the Prowl

February 8, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

Authors: Stephen Gates, Chief Research Intelligence Analyst & Cody Mercer, Senior Intelligence Threat Researcher Overview From reports in late January 2017, the Shamoon malware is back. Shamoon wipes the disks of computers infected with the malware. Apparently a new Shamoon variant prompted Saudi Arabia telecoms authority to issue a warning on Monday, January 23, 2017 for […]

Threat Analysis

Overview & Analysis of a Threat Intelligence Ecosystem

February 6, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

Authors: Richard Zhao, CTO & Cody Mercer, Senior Intelligence Threat Researcher Security Event Investigation and Threat Intelligence Over a year ago I purposed the three main tenants encompassing a successful Threat Intelligence framework: Define a system infrastructure for security event disclosure and case analysis. Clearly delineate security disclosure responsibilities to respective parties. Cultivate a security data […]

Threat Intelligence – You’re Purchasing the Process

February 6, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

By: Stephen Gates, Chief Research Intelligence Analyst, NSFOCUS Over the past year, the cyber security industry has changed significantly in the light of an innovative tool called “Threat Intelligence” (TI). Organizations of all sizes are beginning to gain understanding of the value of TI; however, there is some confusion concerning what organizations believe they are receiving […]

“Shifu” Banking Trojan – Technical Analysis and Recommendations

January 27, 2017 | NSFOCUS

By: NSFOCUS Security Labs Overview The banking Trojan “Shifu” was discovered by the IBM counter fraud platform in April, 2015. Built on the Shiz source code, this Trojan employs techniques adopted by multiple notorious Trojans such as Zeus, Gozi, and Dridex. This particular Trojan targeted 14 banks in Japan and re-emerged in Britain compromising 10 […]