DDoS attacks

Reflective and Short-burst DDoS Attacks Harnessed to Knock Down the Targets in Ukraine

February 25, 2022

Background Since 2022, the relationship between Russia and Ukraine has become increasingly tense. The two sides are at loggerheads and have deployed a large number of military personnel and equipment in the border areas of the two countries. However, since entering the 21st century, war is not limited to armed actions, but happens in other […]

DDoS Attacks Have Entered Terabit Era

January 29, 2022

MILPITAS, Calif. – January 28, 2022 – NSFOCUS, a leader in holistic hybrid security solutions, today released the 2021 Global DDoS Attack Landscape, a joint report by working with Tencent, which found that DDoS attacks have entered the terabit era with the largest DDoS traffic peaked at 2.4 Tbps (or 3.25 Tbps according the latest news […]

Amplification DDoS Attacks Come Again

February 26, 2021

Just in February, another two amplification DDoS attacks caught our attention. They are respectively abusing Plex Media Servers and Powerhouse VPN servers to amplify junk traffic to victims. Abuse Plex Media Server for Amplification Attacks On 3rd February, according to ZDNet, DDoS-for-hire services have found a way to abuse Plex Media servers to bounce junk […]

Design of Protection Against HTTPS-Targeted DDoS Attacks

July 14, 2020

As more and more Internet business is switched to the encrypted HTTPS from the plaintext HTTP, distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks against HTTPS are also on the rise, including attacks targeting the SSL/TLS handshake and HTTPS services. Protecting against HTTPS-targeted DDoS attacks has always been a hard nut to crack within the industry. This document describes the working principle and harm of this kind of attacks as well as the protection design and practices.


DDoS Attack Landscape 7

May 13, 2020

Attack Gang Size

Gang Size

Figure 3-27 shows the distribution of our identified IP gangs by size. Two gangs consist of over 10,000 members and the largest gang has 88,000 members.



November 18, 2019

What Is DDoS? Look at the following example: Assume that you run a shop that is doing well. At this time, your neighbor, Mr. Wang (or whatever his name is), whose business is slack, looks at you as an eyesore. Therefore, he hires a group of hooligans. Then you find that your shop is crowded […]

Have Rich Game Customers Who Suffered DDoS Attacks Turned to You?

July 15, 2019

According to NSFOCUS 2018 DDoS Attack Trend Report, the gaming sector has become the second biggest victim of DDoS attacks, receiving 27.6% of the total number of attacks. (more…)

DDoS Attacks and Mitigation

May 29, 2019

Nowadays, the advancement of information technology has brought tremendous convenience to people. Whether it is social networking or ecommerce, the Internet has become an integral and essential part of our lives. As Internet brought new opportunities, it also created new threats. DDoS is one of the most destructive form of threats. In the past decade, DDoS has been weaponized by various organizations and individuals used for ransomware, revenge, even cyber warfare. (more…)

Anatomy of an attack: network bandwidth exhaustion

January 5, 2016

Track:  Technical

Author: Vann Abernethy, Field CTO, NSFOCUS

notebook-1071777_1920DDoS attacks come in three basic flavors:  network-layer, application-layer and a hybrid of the two.  This is a somewhat simplistic view but when you look at the strategy for taking someone down via DDoS, the two primary vehicles are either exhaustion of available network bandwidth or the overwhelming of back-end processing power (which can be directed either at the server system itself or the applications residing on them).  The most efficient approach to take down a target will depend on the target itself.  This is why it is important for every company to consider all of the assets that could become targets when designing anti-DDoS protection.  (more…)

DDoS attacks – more than just disruption?

December 21, 2015

Track:  General Security

Author: Vann Abernethy, Field CTO, NSFOCUS

DDoS attacks

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have been around for decades and have been increasing in popularity due to the relative ease in carrying one out.  Traditionally, the purpose of these attacks has been to make a site or service unavailable to its intended users for some duration via either flood-type attacks or application-layer attacks (which are smaller, but just as effective) that overwhelm the target’s network or systems. (more…)


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