
Thwarting 100,000+ Attacks on the G20 Summit, The NSFOCUS Experience

February 6, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

In September 2016, prominent world leaders representing the top 20 global economies gathered together in Hangzhou, China to kick off the 11th meeting of Group of Twenty (G20). This year marked the first time that the event was hosted in China and as a result, securing the Summit’s cyber assets and associated networks quickly became […]

“Shifu” Banking Trojan – Technical Analysis and Recommendations

February 6, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

Overview The banking Trojan “Shifu” was discovered by the IBM counter fraud platform in April, 2015. Built on the Shiz source code, this Trojan employs techniques adopted by multiple notorious Trojans such as Zeus, Gozi, and Dridex. This particular Trojan targeted 14 banks in Japan and re-emerged in Britain compromising 10 banks on September 22, […]

ElasticSearch Hit by Ransom Attack

January 24, 2017 | Adeline Zhang

ElasticSearch Hit by Ransom Attack Overview Last week, over 34,000 vulnerable MongoDB databases fell victim to a recent ransom attack. Data residing on these databases was erased or encrypted and bitcoin payment was demanded in lieu for data return. Moreover, on Jan 18th 2017, several hundred ElasticSearch servers were hit by a ransom attack within […]