Year: 2019

IP Reputation Report-09152019

September 19, 2019

  1. Top 10 countries in attack counts:


Botnet Trend Report-14

September 18, 2019

Conclusion and Recommendations

In 2018, botnets continued using DDoS as their primary weapon to attack regions with ubiquitous high speed networking for direct economic gains. However, they underwent significant changes in behavioral patterns, host platforms, C&C server deployment, infection methods, attack methods, and payload types. Security service providers need to adapt their strategies to better mitigate the increasing threats posed by the new generation of botnets. (more…)

Aspose Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-5032/5033/5041) Threat Alert

September 17, 2019


Recently, Cisco Talos published several technical analysis reports, claiming that Aspose.cells and Aspose.words in Aspose products contain remote code execution vulnerabilities, which can be exploited via a maliciously crafted file to result in remote code execution. (more…)

Computrace That Is Whitelisted Can Pose Hybrid Threats

September 16, 2019

Recently, an article titled “Tips for Security Risks of Anti-theft and Tracking Software from Absolute” has been widely circulated on the internet, sparking public debate on the software LoJack for Laptops developed by Absolute. This software in question is also known as Computrace, with features including the abilities to remotely lock, delete files from, and locate the stolen laptop on a map. In fact, the security issues of Computrace was already exposed to the public as early as in 2009. Following is a review of its security threats. (more…)

Information Security in the Workplace- Entry of outsiders2

September 14, 2019

With the advancement of IT-based transformation and the rapid development of IT, various network technologies have seen more extensive and profound applications, along with which come a multitude of cyber security issues. Come to find out what information security issues you should beware of in the workplace.


Cisco REST API Container for IOS XE Software Authentication Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2019-12643) Threat Alert

September 13, 2019


On August 28, 2019, local time, Cisco released a security advisory, announcing remediation of an authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2019-12643) in the Cisco REST API virtual service container for Cisco IOS XE Software. (more…)

IP Reputation Report-09012019

September 12, 2019

Top 10 countries in attack counts: The above diagram shows the top 10 regions with the most malicious IP addresses from the NSFOCUS IP Reputation databases at September 08, 2019.   Top 10 countries in attack percentage: The Laos is in first place. The Palestine is in the second place. The country China (CN) is […]

Botnet Trend Report-13

September 11, 2019

4.4 Satan: Evolving Ransomware

In late April 2018, MalwareHunterTeam reported seeing new ransomware that leveraged EternalBlue to propagate. Through analysis, we found that the ransomware was based on a new version (dubbed V2) of Satan, a ransomware family launched in 2017. The ransom demanded in this version increased from 0.1 to 0.3 Bitcoin. At the same time, a certain variant of IRCBOT also captured download instructions related to this malware. From the instruction set, Satan was confirmed to be the ransomware payload. (more…)

Microsoft RDS Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-1181-1182)Threat Alert

September 10, 2019

  1. Vulnerability Overview

On August 14, 2019, Beijing time, Microsoft released remote desktop (RDP) service fixes and patches for a series of vulnerabilities, including two critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities (CVE-2019-1181 and CVE-2019-1182). Similar to the BlueKeep vulnerability (CVE-2019-0708) previously fixed, vulnerabilities disclosed this time have characteristics of worms. In other words, attackers could exploit them to execute arbitrary code and spread worm viruses without needing user interactions. (more…)

QEMU VM Escape Vulnerability (CVE-2019-14378) Threat Alert

September 9, 2019


Recently, a security researcher disclosed a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability (CVE-2019-14378) in the SLiRP networking backend in the QEMU emulator. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to crash the QEMU process on a host machine, resulting in a denial of service, or possibly execute arbitrary code with privileges of the QEMU process. (more…)


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