
WellinTech KingView Multiple Vulnerabilities Threat Alert

June 1, 2020


Some versions of WellinTech KingView are prone to multiple vulnerabilities, including the real-time database access authorization bypass vulnerability and denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service. Vulnerability details are as follows:

1. KingView real-time database access authorization bypass vulnerability (CNVD-C-2020-87074)

2. KingView denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service (CNVD-C-2020-92339)

3. KingView denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service (CNVD-C-2020-92346)

4. KingView denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service (CNVD-C-2020-92365)

5. KingView denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service (CNVD-C-2020-92343)

6. KingView denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service (CNVD-C-2020-92341)

7. KingView denial-of-service vulnerability existing in the web data transmission service (CNVD-C-2020-92351)



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