NSFOCUS Managed Security Service Case: Response to a Hybrid SYN/ACK Flood Incident
May 23, 2022
Incident discovered In early 2021, a private cloud service provider in the United States was hit by a massive hybrid SYN Flood attack. As the service provider is a customer of NSFOCUS Cloud DDoS Protection Service and subscribed with Managed Security Service (MSS), the malicious traffic is noticed instantly by NSFOCUS Managed Security Service team, […]
Cloud DPS – Optimization for a Managed Security Service Customer
July 27, 2021
Today DDoS attacks are continuing to increase in frequency, volume and duration to affect a business’s continuity and reputation. DDoS mitigation capability has become the top priority for CIO/CISOs in Enterprise, Internet content providers and government, while they may have to face the challenge of finding sufficient experienced security professionals to build, maintain and operate […]