Trend Analysis

Trend Analysis on 2020 Q3 Phishing Email

December 7, 2020 | Adeline Zhang

Chapter 1. Brief on the risk In phishing email attacks worldwide, Covid-19 is still an important topic. With the increasing availability of epidemic prevention material supplies in various countries and the transparency of news channels, attackers have begun to look for “hot issues” from other perspectives that may attract people’s attention. With the impact of […]

Satan Variant Analysis & Handling Guide

December 6, 2018 | Adeline Zhang

1 Background In early November 2018, NSFOCUS discovered that some of its financial customers had been infected with a worm virus FT.exe that could affect both Linux and Windows platforms. Like the ransomware Satan, the virus spreads itself by exploiting multiple application vulnerabilities. However, this virus, after breaking into the system, does not do anything […]