DDoS protection

DDoS attacks – more than just disruption?

December 21, 2015

Track:  General Security

Author: Vann Abernethy, Field CTO, NSFOCUS

DDoS attacks

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks have been around for decades and have been increasing in popularity due to the relative ease in carrying one out.  Traditionally, the purpose of these attacks has been to make a site or service unavailable to its intended users for some duration via either flood-type attacks or application-layer attacks (which are smaller, but just as effective) that overwhelm the target’s network or systems. (more…)

The financial impact of DDoS attacks: The devil is in the details

December 7, 2015

Track:  Business

Author: Dave Martin, Director of Product Marketing, NSFOCUS

financial impact of DDoS attacks

Even if you have not yet been the victim of a DDoS attack it is helpful to examine the financial impact of a potential attack on your organization for the purposes of doing risk assessment or for calculating the payback period of a DDoS protection solution. (more…)


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