Use ADS Programmable Rules to Customize Protection Capabilities

julho 26, 2024 | NSFOCUS

This document will guide you through the process of leveraging programmable rules in ADS to customize your protection capabilities. Unlike static solutions, the programmable defense allows you to create custom rules and policies that respond to attacks in real time, providing more precise and effective protection. NSFOCUS ADS has incorporated this functionality in its F05 […]

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Email Verification on NTA

julho 12, 2024 | NSFOCUS

This article provides instructions on configuring and using email verification with password authentication to implement two-factor authentication (2FA) on NTA. The NTA version used in this article is V4.5R90F05. The email verification feature is unavailable if your device runs an earlier version. To use this feature, you must upgrade NTA to V4.5R90F05. Prerequisites To use […]

Introduction to NTA Auto-learning Function

junho 28, 2024 | NSFOCUS

The implementation of DDoS attack alerting relies on setting alert thresholds. Setting the threshold too high may result in false negatives, while setting it too low may lead to a high number of false positives. Therefore, it is crucial to establish appropriate thresholds. NTA provides automatically learn, record, and analyze network traffic from the IP […]

NTA Model Limitation for Upgrade to Version 4.5R90F05

junho 14, 2024 | NSFOCUS

The models that support upgrading to V4.5R90F05 are NX3-HD2100/HD2200/HD3000 /vNTA. Due to hardware device limitations (including but not limited to memory, data disk size, etc.) used in the NTA NX3-1000E/2000E model, upgrading the system to V4.5R90F05 is highly likely to result in the system not functioning properly. Therefore, upgrading the software version to V4.5R90F05 is […]

NTP Reflection Protection in ADS

junho 5, 2024 | NSFOCUS

An NTP amplification attack is a reflection-based volumetric distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack in which an attacker exploits a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server functionality to overwhelm a targeted network or server with an amplified amount of UDP traffic, rendering the target and its surrounding infrastructure inaccessible to regular traffic. An NTP amplification attack can be […]

API Security Events Classification

maio 15, 2024 | NSFOCUS

The risk levels of API security events for NSFOCUS WAF version 6080 are categorized as follows: :Low Risk Events :Medium Risk Events :High Risk Events API Security Event Types: Event Type Description Abuse Attacks covered include JavaScript-related, account takeover, and CSRF. Sensitive Data Exposure Attacks covered include sensitive information leakage, anti-crawling, information leakage prevention, and […]

NTA Email Alert Configuration

abril 19, 2024 | NSFOCUS

There are two separate email configurations on NTA which do not affect each other. One is the region/IP group email alert, the other is the global email alert. 1.  Region/IP Group Email Alert Configuration -> Objects -> Regions -> Edit Corresponding Region/IP Group Email addresses configured on the Region -> Basic Information page will receive […]

NIPS Troubleshooting Steps for No Log

abril 12, 2024 | NSFOCUS

NIPS aims to accurately monitor abnormal network traffic, automatically blocking various types of aggressive traffic in real-time, particularly application layer threats. It aims to take proactive measures instead of merely providing alerts at the time of or after detecting malicious traffic. When malicious traffic is detected and blocked, a threat log is recorded and displayed […]

Policy Adjustment Based on Attack Events in ADS

abril 5, 2024 | NSFOCUS

This article provides a brief explanation of policy fine-tuning in ADS. Please note that fine-tuning the protection policy is a time-consuming process. This article focuses on how to check attack details in ADS based on attack events and optimize policies accordingly. Due to different versions of ADS, the screenshots shown in the article may differ […]

NSFOCUS WAF API Security Overview

março 29, 2024 | NSFOCUS

NSFOCUS WAF v.6080 provides protection for third-party API assets. The API security protection features assist clients in refining their inventory of API assets through a combination of proactive and reactive strategies. By integrating automatically generated API baselines and imported OAS files, NSFOCUS WAF conducts API compliance checks. NSFOCUS WAF supports parsing multi-protocol traffic for filtering […]
