Malware in nuclear plant prompts shutdown

Malware in nuclear plant prompts shutdown

April 28, 2016 | NSFOCUS


Malware discovered at a nuclear power plant in Germany raised concerns public concerns and prompted the German electric utilities company RWE AG to shut down the power plant as a precaution. The malicious code was discovered in the IT network that affects the fuel loading system in block B of the Gundremmingen nuclear power plant in Bavaria. Alex Cruz Farmer, our VP of cloud services said,  “This is a fantastic example of where the Internet of Things, as well as BYOD adoption, without the consideration of security has created a huge risk to organisations. Almost every person who walks around today has a USB stick, or a device which can be turned into a removable drive. The saving grace here is that the German power plants were isolated from the internet.” To read the full article, please click here.


Malware in nuclear plant