Genius? Lunatic? Maybe Both (III)

February 25, 2019
Today, people live in a connected world. No matter how far away they are from one another, the Internet can bring them together, talking face to face in cyberspace. The prevalence of big data and the super powerful computing capability of machines herald a golden era of artificial intelligence, known as “the third wave”. New technologies such as smart watches, smart wearables, and driverless cars have changed people’s way of living. (more…)
Genius? Lunatic? Maybe Both (II)

January 28, 2019
The ubiquity of the Internet is attracting more and more youths to the computer industry, especially the hacker community that holds a supreme position in the realm of cyber security. Every person eager to be part of the IT industry seems to be able to get something from it, ranging from appearing cool to making quick money. Today, you will be told more stories about some other legendary hackers. (more…)