Cloud DPS – Optimization for a Managed Security Service Customer
julho 27, 2021
Today DDoS attacks are continuing to increase in frequency, volume and duration to affect a business’s continuity and reputation. DDoS mitigation capability has become the top priority for CIO/CISOs in Enterprise, Internet content providers and government, while they may have to face the challenge of finding sufficient experienced security professionals to build, maintain and operate […]
Cloud DPS Showing That Gaming Customers Are in Need of Tbps-Level Cleaning Resources to Counter Volumetric Attacks
novembro 16, 2019
In July, 2019, Cloud DPS, a cloud cleaning product from NSFOCUS, managed to withstand a wave of DDoS attacks over 100 Gbps that lasted one week. Targeting a board/card game vendor, those attacks exhibited perfect regularity, with the traffic averaging 100 Gbps and peaking at 431.6 Gbps. (mais…)