We are very excited to announce that NSFOCUS has been appraised at Maturity Level 5 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)® Version 2.0.
CMMI is a proven set of global best practices that drives business performance through building and benchmarking key capabilities. It is an integrated framework of best practices that can rapidly improve and sustain organizations’ performance to elevate quality, profitability, productivity, cybersecurity resilience, and competitiveness.
Maturity Level 5 is the highest level that an organisation can achieve, indicating that an organization is performing at an ‘optimizing’ level, focused on continuous improvement and built to pivot and respond to opportunity and change. The organization’s stability provides a platform for agility and innovation.
As CMMI Institute said, “All organizations have capabilities. What many don’t have is a process by which they can measure their different capabilities against best practices and pinpoint which ones are driving higher performance “. The CMMI Development V2.0 Model is an integrated set of best practices that improves an organization’s capability to develop quality products and services that meet the needs of customers and end users. This appraisal at maturity level 5 shows our commitment to delivering high-quality products and services through streamlined and rigorous business processes. It is a milestone and demonstration of the soundness of our enterprise-wide processes, and also a solid technical foundation for our continuous product innovation and improvement.