Top 10 countries:
The above diagram shows the top 10 regions with most malicious IP addresses from the NSFOCUS IP Reputation databases in October.
But the United States has the largest allocated IP addresses in the world and China is in the second place. So, report IP Reputation as a percentage of total IP addresses will be the proper way to do comparison. Below diagram shows the top 10 regions (in percentage) with malicious IPs:
From above diagram, we can see the country Belize has the biggest percentage of malicious IPs. The Palestine is in the second place.
Top 10 ASNs:
This diagram shows the top 10 ASNs in the October 2018 with the malicious IPs. Below table gives more details about each ASN:
ASN | Area Code | ISP | Counts |
AS4134 | CN | CHINATELECOM | 644017 |
AS4837 | CN | CHINAUNICOM | 376925 |
AS9808 | CN | CHINAMOBILELTD | 200381 |
AS56046 | CN | CHINAMOBILE | 141668 |
AS6762 | IT | TISPARKLE | 62506 |
AS45899 | VN | VNPT CORP | 62005 |
AS8452 | EG | TE.EG | 56102 |
AS24444 | CN | CHINAMOBILE | 42726 |
AS3462 | TW | HINET.NET | 36465 |
AS56041 | CN | CHINAMOBILE | 35123 |
The below diagram shows the top 10 ASN in percentage which we only selected the ASNs which has the IP addresses greater than 65536 (class B):
IP Reputation for DDoS weekly Trend:
This diagram shows the IP Reputation with level 5 DDoS category weekly trend from July 2018 until present.