Ano: 2020

Cybersecurity Insights-12

janeiro 9, 2020

6.3 Worm In the 2018 H1 Cybersecurity Insights , we pointed out that most worm viruses were discovered more than five years ago. This indicates how capable these viruses are of propagating and evolving and how difficult it is to remove them completely from the network. According to data throughout the year, this was still […]

IP Reputation Report-12292019

janeiro 8, 2020

  1. Top 10 countries in attack counts:

  • The above diagram shows the top 10 regions with the most malicious IP addresses from the NSFOCUS IP Reputation databases at January 5, 2020.


Apache Log4j Deserialization Remote Code Execution (CVE-2019-17571) Vulnerability Threat Alert

janeiro 6, 2020

Vulnerability Description

On December 19 local time, Apache Software Foundation (ASF) officially released a security advisory, announcing that Apache Log4j has a deserialization issue that could cause remote code execution (CVE-2019-17571). Log4j is a Java-based open-source logging tool from the Apache Software Foundation. Log4j 1.2 includes a SocketServer class which can easily accept serialized log events and deserialize them without authentication. With the aid of deserialization tools, an attacker could use this class to remotely execute arbitrary code. (mais…)

IP Reputation Report-12292019

janeiro 3, 2020

  1. Top 10 countries in attack counts:

  • The above diagram shows the top 10 regions with the most malicious IP addresses from the NSFOCUS IP Reputation databases at December 29, 2019.


Advisory: Drupal fixes multiple vulnerabilities

janeiro 2, 2020


On December 18, local time, Drupal officially issued a security advisory to announce multiple vulnerabilities in its core products, including one critical vulnerability and three medium-risk vulnerabilities. (mais…)

Cybersecurity Insights-11

janeiro 1, 2020

Backdoor, cryptominer, worm, trojan, and zombie115 made the list of active most malware in 2018. Strains of backdoors malware are still extremely active because they are too stealthy to be easily detected. As the virtual currency market continues to shrink, cryptomining is less popular than before, but still very active, coming second behind backdoors.



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