SSL Certificate Replacement Guide for NSFOCUS ADSM and Portal

SSL Certificate Replacement Guide for NSFOCUS ADSM and Portal

outubro 12, 2023 | NSFOCUS

When the SSL certificate for ADSM or ADSM Portal expires, we could replace it manually on the Web GUI.


Click Choose File on Administration > Local Settings > SSL Certificate Replacement to upload .crt file and .key file. Then click Replace to update the SSL certificate.

ADSM Portal

Click Choose File on Administration > Third-Party Interface > Portal Configuration > SSL Certificate Replacement to upload .crt file and .key file. Then click Replace to update the SSL certificate.

If the ADSM Portal already has an SSL certificate, click Restore Default to restore the default SSL certificate, and then click Replace to replace the new SSL certificate by following the preceding steps.

Please note: the Web Service of ADSM and ADSM Portal will restart automatically after importing the SSL certification.