Santa Clara, Calif. January 19, 2023 – NSFOCUS, a global provider of intelligent hybrid security solutions, announced today that it has been selected by IDC as a representative vendor in the report IDC Perspective: Unified Security Management as a Service (USMaaS), 2022 released recently, and NSFOCUS T-ONE Cloud was selected as an excellent practice of USMaaS.
The USMaaS is a new form of managed security service that combines remote and local operations and is delivered based on the cloud environment. The cloud environment can provide a comprehensive network security stack, which is a one-stop shop for various security capabilities. Besides, by deploying actuators on customers’ side, the cloud environment combines its software-defined security capabilities closely with customers’ IT environment, so as to provide consolidated managed security services.
Brief Introduction of NSFOCUS USMaaS
Relying on NSFOCUS T-ONE Cloud platform as a technological fulcrum, NSFOCUS MSS redesigned the security operations system in a cloud-driven manner and is, therefore, able to provide users with elastic, swift and highly sensitive closed-loop security capabilities. It provides customers across industries with software products, hardware products and security services with the above-mentioned fast closed-loop security capabilities that support integrated management and operations of assets, vulnerabilities, and devices.
There are three main types of NSFOCUS MSS: product-as-a-service, operations-as-a-service, and building of security operations center.
The NSFOCUS MSS delivery team has established a functional operations system involving both cloud and on-premises environments. The cloud team is responsible for capacity building, offensive and defensive technology research, and the realization of back-end capabilities through a middle platform system and ticketing system. The cloud team gives full support to customer-side local teams in operational delivery, and empowers and supports their personnel in different positions. The team ensures service quality by maintaining interoperability between cloud and on-premises environments and optimizing their coordination based on the results of periodic quality measurements.
Example Case of T-ONE Cloud
An enterprise needs a functional and practical network security solution. It has many branches and a diversified mix of business lines. Members of the security management department of its headquarter want to get an overview of the whole company’s security status but they face a variety of challenges including but not limited to high asset complexity, difficulties in vulnerability management, large numbers of security data logs, low response speed, and difficulty in realizing closed-loop operation and maintenance with insufficient manpower.
NSFOCUS security teams performed security protection and exposure management centering on client enterprise’s core business lines, including networks, systems, services and other important parts on a business line. On the basis of border security protection, security teams ensured full-cycle security protection of crucial data through key technologies such as identity verification and access control.
Through a combination of NSFOCUS T-ONE Cloud platform, NF-SSE, and local security operations team on the customer side, the security teams established a functional security operations system that integrated cloud and on-premises environments, combined human and machine capabilities, and included defense capability and attack drills. This system enabled 100% centralized management of branch assets and risk exposures, monthly penetration tests for crucial assets, and comprehensive vulnerability prioritization and management. Furthermore, it reduced the time required to detect and handle a network attack to minutes, and improved connectivity and coordination within the whole system, allowing joint defense, control and response, as well as update upon detection.
NSFOCUS, Inc., a network and cyber security leader, protects telecommunications, Internet service providers, hosting providers and enterprises from advanced cyberattacks. NSFOCUS’s Intelligent Hybrid Security strategy utilizes both cloud and on-premises security platforms, built on a foundation of real-time global threat intelligence, to provide multi-layered, unified and dynamic protection against ever-evolving cyberattacks.