Microsoft’s December Security Update of High-Risk Vulnerabilities in Multiple Products

dezembro 14, 2024

Overview On December 11th, NSFOCUS CERT monitored that Microsoft released the December security update patch, fixing 72 security issues involving widely-used products such as Windows, Windows LDAP, Microsoft Office, Windows Remote Desktop Services, and Microsoft SharePoint. These include high-risk vulnerability types such as privilege escalation and remote code execution. Among the vulnerabilities fixed in this […]

GovWare 2020

outubro 7, 2020

GovWare Virtual Conference and Exhibition October 7-8, 2020 Virtual Event

Cyfrica 2020


agosto 18, 2020

Cyfrica August 18-19, 2020 Virtual Event

“Shifu” Banking Trojan – Technical Analysis and Recommendations

janeiro 27, 2017

By: NSFOCUS Security Labs


The banking Trojan “Shifu” was discovered by the IBM counter fraud platform in April, 2015. Built on the Shiz source code, this Trojan employs techniques adopted by multiple notorious Trojans such as Zeus, Gozi, and Dridex. This particular Trojan targeted 14 banks in Japan and re-emerged in Britain compromising 10 banks on September 22, 2015. On January 6, 2017, Palo Alto Networks issued an article indicating that the author of this Trojan re-engineered the exploit in 2016. Specifically, this Trojan at its early stage obtained system privileges of the attacked host by exploiting the vulnerability CVE-2015-0003, but now achieves its purpose by leveraging the Windows privilege escalation vulnerability CVE-2016-0167. (mais…)

ElasticSearch Hit by Ransom Attack

janeiro 26, 2017

By: Dr. Richard Zhao, SVP of Global Threat Research, NSFOCUS


During the week of January 21, 2017, over 34,000 vulnerable MongoDB databases fell victim to a ransom attack. Data residing on these databases was erased or encrypted and bitcoin payment was demanded in lieu for return of the data. Moreover, on January 18th, 2017, several hundred ElasticSearch servers were hit by a ransom attack within a few hours, and data housed on those servers were erased with ransom demands. The methods that were used to attack the ElasticSearch servers where extremely similar to the exploit that was used in the MongoDB attack. Security researcher Niall Merrigan (who had been following up the MongoDB database compromise) stated, “till now, over 2711 ElasticSearch servers have been attacked.” Many of the victims reside in the USA, with a few outliers in Europe, China, and Singapore. (mais…)

ViewQwest and NSFOCUS launch Singapore’s most affordable clean pipe solution with DDoS protection at $699 per month

abril 27, 2016

The Tech Revolutionist ViewQwest today launched their DDoS Protection Service that defends the networks of banks, e-commerce vendors, telcos and just about any business with an online presence against the increasingly malicious and debilitating DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks. Powered by enterprise security specialist NSFOCUS, the new service aims to make premium-grade Internet security more affordable for […]

Wheat a moment: Multigrain malware uses DNS to steal POS data

abril 20, 2016

SC Magazine A new variant of malware has been discovered that uses DNS to evade antivirus measures, security researchers have warned. Dubbed Multigrain, the malware is a variant of the NewPoSThings family of malware. It infects Windows processes that process credit card data and collects financial information before sending it off to a C&C server.Alex Cruz […]

DDoS Attacks: A Closer Look, Part 1

abril 20, 2016

Track:  Technical

Author: Martin Stone, Principal Sales Engineer, NSFOCUS

DDoS Attacks

If you’ve ever seen portrayals of DDoS attacks in TV and movies, they might seem like scary, mysterious attacks, launched by elite hackers, against which there is no protection. Nothing could be farther from the truth.  DDoS is one of the simplest and easiest ways to attack an online system, within reach of almost anyone with a little information and a little money. Fortunately, these attacks are also easy to defend against if you’re prepared and have the right equipment in place. Here are a few of the most popular DDoS attacks that have evolved over time and are still in use today: (mais…)

When Malware Becomes a Service, Anyone Can Be a Hacker

fevereiro 25, 2016

Gadgets 360 A DDoS attack, one of the most popular available attacks has been offered as a service commercially to anyone interested by hacking group. Our senior technical expert Vann Abernethy said “Distributed Denial of Service attacks have been around for a while now, and each year they grow in size, number, and sophistication. We […]

Downstream networks detect Wendy’s breach

fevereiro 25, 2016

The Green Sheet Numerous consumers who used credit cards at Midwest and Northeast locations of The Wendy’s Co. in the latter part of 2015 were notified by their card issuing banks of a potential data security breach. Company spokesman Bob Bertini advised news media that fraudulent charges began to appear elsewhere after the cards were […]


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