Ano: 2020

Jackson-databind Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-8840) Threat Alert

março 9, 2020


Vulnerability Description

On February 19, National Vulnerability Database (NVD) disclosed a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2020-8840) that resulted from JNDI injection in jackson-databind and assigned a CVSS score of 9.8. Affected versions of jackson-databind lack certain xbean-reflect/JNDI blocking, as demonstrated by org.apache.xbean.propertyeditor.JndiConverter. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause remote code execution via JNDI injection. Currently, the vendor has released new versions to fix this vulnerability. Affected users are advised to update their installation to the latest versions as soon as possible. (mais…)

ICS Information Security Assurance Framework 19

março 6, 2020

Government Affairs

  • SCADA System Architecture Used in Water Affairs

The SCADA system used in water affairs mainly consists of the operator workstation, engineering workstation, SCADA system of the water intake pump room, SCADA system of the drug dosing room, SCADA system of the backwashing system, SCADA system of the water supply pump room, and SCADA system of the dewatering pump room. Figure 4.13 shows the architecture. (mais…)

IP Reputation Report-03012020

março 5, 2020

  1. Top 10 countries in attack counts:

  • The above diagram shows the top 10 regions with the most malicious IP addresses from the NSFOCUS IP Reputation databases at March 1, 2020.


ICS Information Security Assurance Framework 18

março 4, 2020

Manufacturing Sector

  • Network Architecture of a Cigarette Factory

The network architecture of a cigarette factory consists of the production network and management network, as shown in Figure. (mais…)

Microsoft SQL Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0618) Threat Alert

março 3, 2020

Vulnerability Description

On February 12, Microsoft released a security update to announce the fix of the remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2020-0618) in Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. SQL Server, developed by Microsoft, is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used in the world. (mais…)

Apache Tomcat File Inclusion Vulnerability (CVE-2020-1938) Threat Alert

março 2, 2020

Vulnerability Description

On February 20, China National Vulnerability Database (CNVD) released an Apache Tomcat file inclusion vulnerability (CNVD-2020-10487/CVE-2020-1938). This vulnerability is due to a flaw in the Tomcat Apache JServ Protocol (AJP). An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to read arbitrary files from a web application directory on the server. If the target server also provides the file upload function, the attacker can further implement remote code execution. Currently, the vendor has released new versions to fix this vulnerability. Tomcat is an important project of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Owing to its stable performance and availability for free use, it is quite a popular web application server. Considering the widespread deployment of Tomcat, the vulnerability in question affects a large number of users. Tomcat users should take preventive measures to fix this vulnerability as soon as possible.


Django SQL Injection (CVE-2020-7471) Threat Alert

fevereiro 28, 2020

Vulnerability Description

On February 3, Django Software Foundation (DSF) released a security bulletin, announcing the fix of a SQL injection vulnerability (CVE-2020-7471) that is exploited via a StringAgg delimiter. An attacker could break escaping and inject malicious SQL statements by passing a crafted delimiter to the aggregation function contrib.postgres.aggregates.StringAgg. (mais…)

IP Reputation Report-02232020

fevereiro 27, 2020

  1. Top 10 countries in attack counts:

  • The above diagram shows the top 10 regions with the most malicious IP addresses from the NSFOCUS IP Reputation databases at February 23, 2020.


Microsoft Multiple Products Critical Vulnerabilities Threat Alert

fevereiro 26, 2020

Vulnerability Description

On February 12, 2020, Microsoft released February security update that fixed 100 security issues, including critical vulnerabilities like privilege escalation and remote code execution, found in Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Office, and other widely used applications. (mais…)

Apache Dubbo Deserialization Vulnerability (CVE-2019-17564) Threat Alert

fevereiro 25, 2020


Recently, researchers from the Chekmarx team discovered and released a deserialization vulnerability (CVE-2019-17564) existing in Apache Dubbo.

Apache Dubbo is a high-performance Java RPC framework. This vulnerability exists in Dubbo application which has the HTTP protocol enabled for communication. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by submitting a POST request with a Java object, thereby completely compromising a Provider instance of Apache Dubbo. (mais…)


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