Ano: 2016

Millions of Mexican voter records ‘were accessible online’

abril 25, 2016

BBC News  A massive database of Mexican voter records was made publicly accessible on the internet, a US security researcher has discovered. The names, addresses, dates of birth and voter ID numbers of 87 million Mexicans appeared to be listed in the cache. Alex Cruz Farmer, our VP of Cloud Service, said: “This is a significant breach, […]

The latest data breach involves the voting records of 93.4 million Mexican citizens

abril 23, 2016

Yahoo Tech  Yet another data breach has grabbed international headlines, and this one involves the voting registration records of some 93.4 million Mexican citizens. On April 14, Chris Vickery of MacKeeper discovered that he was able to access a tome of information, including names, birth dates, home addresses, ID numbers, and more, all on an unprotected Amazon […]

Mexican voter database containing 93.4 million records leaks online

abril 22, 2016

International Business Times A database reportedly containing roughly 93.4 million Mexican voter registration records was discovered on an Amazon cloud server without any password protection and includes everything from home addresses to ID numbers, a security researcher has disclosed.”This is a significant breach, and what makes it worse is that the data was being held […]

Police take DDoS attacks more seriously as they cover for something more sinister – expert comment

abril 22, 2016

CCR Magazine  To date, police have generally considered distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks to be a low-level crime. However, they are now starting to take them much more seriously. Alex Cruz Farmer,  our VP of cloud said: “Having dealt with the National High Tech Crime Unit in the past, now known as the Serious Organised Crime […]

DDoS attacks now a priority with UK law enforcement, says Cybercrime Unit chieff

abril 21, 2016

Information Age Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are often quite unsophisticated, brute force attempts to disable a website or network by barraging it with traffic, but the damge they can do to victims can be considerable. To date, police have generally considered DDoS attacks to be a ‘low level’ crime, but now Mike Hulett, head […]

Wheat a moment: Multigrain malware uses DNS to steal POS data

abril 20, 2016

SC Magazine A new variant of malware has been discovered that uses DNS to evade antivirus measures, security researchers have warned. Dubbed Multigrain, the malware is a variant of the NewPoSThings family of malware. It infects Windows processes that process credit card data and collects financial information before sending it off to a C&C server.Alex Cruz […]

DDoS Attacks: A Closer Look, Part 1

abril 20, 2016

Track:  Technical

Author: Martin Stone, Principal Sales Engineer, NSFOCUS

DDoS Attacks

If you’ve ever seen portrayals of DDoS attacks in TV and movies, they might seem like scary, mysterious attacks, launched by elite hackers, against which there is no protection. Nothing could be farther from the truth.  DDoS is one of the simplest and easiest ways to attack an online system, within reach of almost anyone with a little information and a little money. Fortunately, these attacks are also easy to defend against if you’re prepared and have the right equipment in place. Here are a few of the most popular DDoS attacks that have evolved over time and are still in use today: (mais…)

‘Perfect storm’ of ransomware, malvertising and phishing attacks follow ‘Celebgate’ forum breach

abril 18, 2016

SC Magazine  Malwarebytes researchers spotted what they called the “perfect storm” of ransomware, malvertising, phishing attacks, and other malware following the breach of a popular forum dedicated to “Celebgate” leaked nude photos. Vann Abernethy,  our field chief technology officer, said users shouldn’t rush to pay ransoms if they get infected with ransomware. To read the full article, please […]

European Parliament approves new General Data Protection Regulation rules

abril 15, 2016

Continuity  Central New EU data protection rules were given their final approval by MEPs on Thursday and the countdown for European-based organizations to manage the compliance risk has started. The European Parliament’s vote ends more than four years of work on a complete overhaul of EU data protection rules. Alex Cruz Farmer, our VP of […]

EU data protection law is passed

abril 15, 2016

CCR Magazine The European Parliament passed the final vote for the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These approved new data protection rules will strengthen online privacy, streamline legislation between the 28 member states and boost police and security cooperation. Notably, the regulation includes tougher penalties for companies in breach of EU data protection law, […]


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