Mês: julho 2016

Data related to major sporting events vulnerable to hacking

julho 11, 2016

Some major sporting events and tournaments are scheduled to take place this year making these events and sensitive data related to the teams participating vulnerable to hacking, according to cyber security researchers. The recent dependency of sport teams, organisations and tournament hosts on mobile, cloud and analytics, make them easy targets for hackers.

Unsung cybersecurity vulnerabilities in US infrastructure and utilities

julho 8, 2016

This past May, the Internet was abuzz about a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) highlighting a number of outdated “legacy systems” still in use across the U.S. government. According to the report, “The Strategic Automated Command and Control System coordinates the operational functions of the United States’ nuclear forces, such as intercontinental ballistic […]

Wendy’s: Credit card numbers disclosed in cyber attack

julho 7, 2016

Fast-food chain Wendy’s said Thursday that customers’ personal information was compromised in a series of cyber attacks that started last year. Wendy’s, which has been investigating “unusual payment-card activity” since early this year, said that cardholder names, credit or debit card numbers and expiration dates are among data targeted in an attack on a point-of-sale […]

The Fully Aware, Hybrid-Cloud Approach

julho 6, 2016

For over 20 years, organizations have been attempting to secure their networks and protect their data. However, have any of their efforts really improved security? Today we hear journalists and industry experts talk about the erosion of the perimeter. Some say it’s squishy, others say it’s spongy, and yet another claims it crunchy. Are they […]


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