DDoS attacks: how to mitigate these persistent threats

fevereiro 25, 2016

CSO Enterprises and end users remain at risk of a DDoS attack, which have been named the #1 Internet threat. The DDoS attack itself may be a bit more sinister, according to NSFOCUS IB. A DDoS attack is an attempt to exhaust resources so that you deny access to resources for legitimate users. In a […]

Utilities Lack Visibility to Prevent All Attacks, Research Shows

fevereiro 10, 2016

eWeek As reports of attacks against energy utilities emerge, there is some evidence that they aren’t properly secured, two separate studies show. NSFOCUS report analyzed that the malware which has been implicated in the Ukraine outage shows that the attack didn’t necessarily use an exotic zero-day vulnerability. The report concludes that a Trojan called BlackEnergy […]

Costly government cybersecurity system needs major changes

fevereiro 10, 2016

TechTarget Search Security A new report on the EINSTEIN government cybersecurity system concluded that it is only “partially meeting its stated system objectives,” and needs some major changes. The report comes from the U.S. General Accountability Office (GAO) and had some startling revelations, including that the National Cybersecurity Protection System(NCPS), operationally known as EISTEIN, is […]

The managed services opportunity – from commodity provider to valued partner

fevereiro 10, 2016

Track:  Business

Author: Dave Martin, Director of Product Marketing, NSFOCUS


Network connectivity has become a commodity business.  Business internet access once priced at $500 per month for 1.5 Mbps is now available for half of the cost at almost 70x the capacity.  While this is great for consumers, pure play service providers often struggle to maintain profitability and grow revenue in the face of increased competition. (mais…)

HSBC UK online banking operations disrupted by DDoS attack

fevereiro 2, 2016

SC Magazine HSBC UK was the target for a DDoS attack that flooded the financial institution’s systems with manufactured traffic, much to the dismay of online banking customers who were unable to access and manage their accounts. Dave Martin, our security expert and director suggested that HSBC’s servers “were probably busy handling a surge of […]

Anti-DDoS Solution from NSFOCUS Helps Australian Service Provider Micron21 Mitigate Massive Denial of Service Attack

fevereiro 1, 2016

Large-scale DDoS assault consumed 23 Terabytes of inbound data in only two hours; outage would have cost up to $1.3 Million SANTA CLARA, Calif. – February 1, 2016 – NSFOCUS IB today announced that NSFOCUS Anti-DDoS System (ADS) has been used to mitigate a sustained, 90-Gbps Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack against Australian service […]

DHCP servers must be patched against denial-of-service attacks

janeiro 29, 2016

TechTarget Search Security The internet systems consortium released a critical patch for DHCP servers that fixed a flaw that could lead to DDoS attacks. However, the experts were split on whether this issue should lead organizations to switch to IPv6. Stephen Gates, principal sales engineer and technical expert from network security firm NSFOCUS IB said […]

Faulty database makes information public for 191 million American voters

janeiro 29, 2016

Fox News Dave Martin, Director & Security Expert at NSFOCUS had an interview with FOX in regards to 191 million American voters’ personal information wen publicity by faulty database. Even though it has been claimed that the voters’ information included is already publicly available from each government stage. There is no new or private information […]

Anti-ISIL Hackers Claim Responsibility for Massive Cyber Attack on BBC

janeiro 29, 2016

eSecurity Planet: All of the BBC’s websites were taken offline for several hours on the morning of December 31, 2015 as result of a massive 660 Gbps DDoS attack. The hacking group, named New World Hacking claimed the responsibility and addressed that to use the attack as a test of its capabilities for planed attacks […]

Security a top concern for holiday shoppers, retailers

janeiro 29, 2016

The Green Sheet The National Retail Federation and security analysts are urging merchants and consumers to remain vigilant during the high-peak shopping season, noting that high-volume sales may provide additional opportunities for cybercriminals to attack vulnerable POS infrastructures. The articles also listed the security best practices for merchant and consumer. Our security specialist Vann Abernethy […]


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