Windows XP and USB ports making cash machine vulnerable to attack
abril 28, 2016
SC Magazine Security researchers at Kaspersky claim that virtually any cash machine can be illegally accessed and stolen from. The researchers said that most ATMs are usually based on outdated software (such as Windows XP) and this makes the vulnerable to either malware or other exploits. Another security headache is the use of the insecure XFS […]
What is the Future of Cloud?
abril 28, 2016
BrightTalk In this interview Aftab Afzal talks about the future of cloud, as well as challenges and opportunities prepared for the cloud in the context of IoT and modern security threats. To view the interview, please click here.
Malware in nuclear plant prompts shutdown
abril 28, 2016
CRN Malware discovered at a nuclear power plant in Germany raised concerns public concerns and prompted the German electric utilities company RWE AG to shut down the power plant as a precaution. The malicious code was discovered in the IT network that affects the fuel loading system in block B of the Gundremmingen nuclear power […]
German nuclear power plant finds malware on its systems
abril 28, 2016
IT PRO A nuclear power plant in Germany has been infected by malwaredesigned to give hackers remote access to its systems. The Gundremmingen power station, north-west of Munich, is run by the German utility RWE. According to media reports, two strains of viruses, W32.Ramnit and Conficker were discovered at the facility’s B unit in a computer […]
German nuclear plant suffers cyber attack designed to give hackers remote access – expert comment
abril 28, 2016
Digital Forensics Magazine The Telegraph has reported that a nuclear power plant in Germany has been found to be infected with computer viruses. The Gundremmingen plant, located about 120 km (75 miles) northwest of Munich, is run by the German utility RWE. The viruses, which include “W32.Ramnit” and “Conficker”, were discovered at Gundremmingen’s B unit in a computer system retrofitted […]
All ATMs can be hijacked with malware, Kaspersky says – expert comment
abril 28, 2016
Global Security Magazine Kaspersky Labs research has shown that ATMs can easily be hacked by cyber criminals, meaning funds could be stolen. To see the comments by Alex Cruz Farmer, please click here.
ViewQuest’s new DDoS Protection Service starts from $699 a month
abril 27, 2016
Security Asia ViewQwest launched their DDoS Protection Service that defends the networks of banks, e-commerce vendors, telcos and just about any business with an online presence against the increasingly malicious and debilitating DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks. Powered by enterprise security specialist NSFOCUS, the new service aims to make premium-grade Internet security more affordable for businesses and […]
Malware in nuclear power plant prompts plant shutdown
abril 27, 2016
SC Magazine Malware discovered at a nuclear power plant in Germany raised concerns public concerns and prompted the German electric utilities company RWE AG to shut down the power plant as a precaution. The malicious code was discovered in the IT network that affects the fuel loading system in block B of the Gundremmingen nuclear […]
ViewQwest launches DDOS protection service in Singapore
abril 26, 2016
Datacenter Dynamics Singapore-based Internet service provider (ISP) ViewQwest has launched a DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) protection service that it says is the most affordable in the country. The underlying technology behind ViewQwest’s service comes from security specialist NSFOCUS, which has more than a decade of experience in enterprise network security solutions and services. To read the full […]
93.4 million Mexican voters exposed in massive database leak
abril 26, 2016
SC Magazine All of Mexico’s voters have had their personal information leaked online. The details of 93.4 million voters, the entire voting age population of Mexico and 73 percent, the large majority of Mexico’s 119 million citizens, were exposed online late last week. Alex Cruz Farmer, our VP of Cloud told SC that the data wasn’t even […]