- Global distribution of DDoS attacks: U.S. suffered the most DDoS attacks, and Japan received the largest volume of DDoS traffic.
- DDoS attack trend: March and April witnessed the most frequent DDoS attacks, and May saw the peak of attack traffic.
- DDoS attacks and COVID-19 pandemic: DDoS attacks fluctuated noticebly with the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Germany and the U.S. were two typical examples.
- Attack lethality: Compared with the first half of 2019, the first half of 2020 experienced a decline in the number of attacks withincreasing magnitute.
- Attack types: SYN flood and UDP flood remained dominant DDoS attacks.
- Attack duration: Short-duration and effective attacks were the norm, with 68% of the attacks lasting less than 5 minutes.
- Attack peak: May was exposed to the strongest attack, with the peak reaching 634.6 Gbps.
- Attack gangs: Among the 15 IP gangs under our continuous monitoring in the first half of 2020, the largest attack utilized 217,000 attack sources.

The following figures displayed the global distribution of DDoS attacks and that of DDoS attack traffic. In the first half of 2020, the USA suffered the most DDoS attacks, accounting for 34.15%. Japan received the largest volume DDoS traffic, accounting for 49.11%.

To be continued.
Link: https://nsfocusglobal.com/2020-mid-year-ddos-attack-landscape-report/